How do you feel when you receive a special and useful gift that also conveys a message? You'll be touched from the heart when you receive it. So, think from the point of view of the gift receiver before you buy a gift, and you'll be able to satisfy him/her.
I think giving a gift that can show a message in special way is something very interesting. For example, text printed on the gift box or text appearing on LCD. Printing text on the gift box is easy but how to make a LED message like "I love you" appearing on the gift? Well, I think you need to learn electronics to do what you want, but it takes a lot of time. Of course, it could also be very difficult.
But don't worry, you can buy a Mini Fan with Text Massager. It's a unique and popular fan sold online. You can find it online easily. This fan can show message like "I love you" when it's turned on.